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Division Facts and Strategies - Test 1
Keywords: Common Core, Division Facts and Strategies
Question 1
Ava has 12 apples and 2 baskets. She puts an equal number of apples in each basket. How many apples are in a basket?
Question 2
There are 8 students singing a song in the school musical. Ms. Lang put the students in 2 equal rows. How many students are in each row?
Question 4
Pencils cost 10¢ each. How many pencils can Brent buy with 90¢?
Question 6
Mrs. Marks wants to buy 80 pens. If the pens come in packs of 10, how many packs does she need to buy?
Question 7
Gracie uses 10 beads on each necklace she makes. She has 60 beads to use. How many necklaces can Gracie make?
Question 8
A florist arranges 10 flowers in each vase. How many vases does the florist need to arrange 40 flowers?
Question 9
A model car maker puts 5 wheels in each kit. A machine makes 30 wheels at a time. How many packages of 5 wheels can be made from the 30 wheels?
Question 10
A doll maker puts a small bag with 5 hair ribbons inside each box with a doll. How many bags of 5 hair ribbons can be made from 45 hair ribbons?